Sunday, August 2, 2009



The Town’s violationof the Municipal Government Act

The Municipal Government Act of Nova Scotia (MGA) starts with a sentence outlining that municipalities have legislative authority and responsibility with respect to the matters dealt with in this Act. This means that this Act is the law under which municipalities - including the Town of Wolfville - have to be governed, to become accountable to the people.

On May 19, 2009 I filed an Application for Access to Records under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act with the Town office.
My question read:

  • When and in what newspaper(s) were the grants and contributions of
    the Town of Wolfville published during the last five budget years ending
    with the budget year 2008/2009?

The MGA states clearly in section 65 ss. (au) that “the municipality shall publish annually a list of the organizations and grants or contributions made pursuant to this clause in a newspaper circulating in the municipality”. This requirement is the law since 2003.

The answer from the Town – dated May 27, 2009 – was devastating and seems to be symptomatic to the governing of this Town:

“…To this date, the Town has not submitted the listings of groups and
amounts for publication; …”

The almost stupid excuse of the Town Administration reads that they are not aware of any other municipal units in the Province following this requirement.

At least they seem to understand that was and is a legal requirement they did not follow.

The Administration’s attitude raises questions like:

  • What is the penalty/punishment for violating the law year after year for about six years? and
  • Can the Town Administration do whatever they like and “laugh” about
    the provisions and requirements of the MGA

The Town’s answer states further: “Regardless of this fact, and our past practice, the Town of Wolfville will take action and begin publication of this information retroactively beginning with the prior year (fiscal year 2008/2009).” “It will be published in the local paper The Kings County Advertiser within the next few weeks.”

Isn’t it amazing that residents of Wolfville have to tell the Administration what their legal responsibilities are they are paid for to follow?

Maybe, Mayor Stead can go on TV again bragging that Wolfville will be the first municipality obeying from now on the 6-year-old legal provisions and requirements of the MGA in respect to the publication of grants.

Congratulations to this kind of Administration!

Lutz E. Becker / June 06, 2009

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