Sunday, August 2, 2009



Dear Wolfville Residents:

  • Do you know the police in Wolfville are shooting hollow-point bullets in their handguns?
  • Do you know that hollow-point bullets are designed to spread (“mushroom”) and split into pieces once they enter a target to inflict more damage and more likely can cause death or maiming?
  • Do you know that hollow-point bullets are outlawed by international law to be used in any kind of warfare since 1899 (Hague Declaration)?
  • Do you know that our soldiers fighting in Afghanistan would break international law if they used hollow-point bullets?
  • Do you know why the police in Wolfville are allowed to handle the use of hollow-point bullets different from any regular army on our planet?
  • Do you know that the hollow-point bullets used by the police in Wolfville show carved-in slits at the top to make them mushroom and split even more on impact?
  • Do you know that the police in Wolfville are carrying (besides pepper spray, the baton and the Taser) a pistol which holds a clip with 15 rounds and that these 15 rounds provide the officers with a tremendous fire/killing/maiming power even if the clip would be filled with regular 9mm bullets instead of hollow-point ones?
  • Do you know that out of your tax dollars more than one million dollars a year is paid to the police in Wolfville and that you should have a say on what kind of bullets the police are using in their handguns while patrolling our streets?
  • Do you want hollow-point bullets used against “attackers” (drunks, druggies, mentally challenged people - all maybe unable to judge/control their actions - or even violent criminals) thereby increasing their chances of death rather than standing trial?
You will find my complete article under the headline “Police Practices Affecting the Wolfville Community” on the blog:

Lutz E. Becker / January 03, 2009

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